Looking at these figures you can't hep but think that you got into the wrong field. If you work for an international firm or have your own business, you are not very likely to see such figures in your bank account. These actors have really earned some dough over the years. It's not that they don't work or anything but the payout of their work is a lot higher than you or the next person. Keep reading and eat your heart out.
10. Brad Pitt - $20 million
9. Adam Sandler - $29.5 million
8. Will Ferrell - $31 million
7. Nicolas Cage - $38 million
6. Ben Stiller - $39.5 million
5. Tom Cruise - $40 million
4. Bruce Willis - $41 million
3. Leonardo DiCaprio - $43 million
2. Johnny Depp - $72 million
1. Will Smith - $80 million
10. Brad Pitt - $20 million
9. Adam Sandler - $29.5 million
8. Will Ferrell - $31 million
7. Nicolas Cage - $38 million
6. Ben Stiller - $39.5 million
5. Tom Cruise - $40 million
4. Bruce Willis - $41 million
3. Leonardo DiCaprio - $43 million
2. Johnny Depp - $72 million
1. Will Smith - $80 million
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